IV Transatlantic Summit in Budapest

May 29, 2022

Our platform has had the honor of participating in this occasion in the Transatlantic Summit IV of the Political Network for Values, which brought together politicians from 30 countries in Budapest on May 25, 26 and 27, 2022.

This summit is always a milestone for collaboration and the creation of pro-family, pro-life and pro-freedom policies around the world.

Politicians who defend these principles in their countries have the opportunity to get to know each other, strengthen ties, exchange criteria, ideas and proposals. And, above all, to reinforce their firm decision to work for the Common Good, since that is why they are in politics.

Our platform participated as a civil society and was represented by our General Coordinator, Leonor Tamayo. It has been an honor and a privilege and has allowed us to open new opportunities for collaboration with several countries.

We have reaffirmed our position as a platform and the international need for entities such as ours, focused on women and with an eye on social and political change.

With Lucy Akello, Member of Parliament of Uganda
With José Antonio Kast, presidential candidate in Chile, and Margarita de la Pisa, Spanish MEP.

We have been able to reaffirm ties with politicians and entities with whom we have been collaborating for a long time and to initiate new relationships with politicians from Croatia, Ireland, Uganda, Chile, Argentina...

We set out ready to intensify international action and collaboration with those politicians willing to defend and promote actions in favor of female identity and complementarity with masculinity, as well as the value of motherhood.

Francisco Sánchez, Congressman from Argentina

Consult the resources related and more news of our actions.
