Our Statement

We, the Women of the World, declare that:

  1. Women and men need to recover and affirm their identity and complementarity in their own interest, in the interest of their families, the labor market and society in general.
  2. There is a feminine identity that develops in all its dimensions in complementarity and reciprocity with men.
  3. Women make a unique contribution to the stability of the family, the workforce, society and the common good.
  4. The role of women in society must be developed in all aspects without discrimination, violence or exploitation, as part of the challenges of the millennium.
  5. Motherhood has a unique value and dignity.
  6. In Western countries, women today are discriminated against because of their motherhood.
  7. Motherhood is an advantage for women in the workplace, and profitable for society as a whole.
  8. Motherhood and a woman's dedication to the family does not suppress her personal or intellectual development; on the contrary, it consolidates her personality and the development of her feminine identity.
  9. Non-market work and exclusive or prior dedication to the family is a social and economic value.
  10. The authentic emancipation of women entails the freedom to be and live as women.

Therefore, we demand:

  1. Universal recognition and respect for women's identity, their dignity and true equality between men and women in their complementarity and reciprocity.
  2. International policies in defense of women's freedom to choose their dedication to the family, which implies a true reconciliation between family and work life.
  3. The universal recognition in international legislation of the value of the silent and apparently invisible work of women within their families and the universal management of the term "exclusive dedication to the family" as a labor group.
  4. An international framework of protection policies for working women who wish to have children or who dedicate themselves exclusively or partially to the care and attention of their families and the eradication of any form of discrimination against them.
  5. Universal prohibition of surrogacy. Surrogacy is a violation of the dignity of both the surrogate mother and the child. It is a new form of exploitation of women and human trafficking, which turns the child into the object of a contract.
We, the Women of the World, state that:

Women and men need to recover and assert their identity and complementarity in their own interest, the interest of their family, the labor market and society at large.

There is a feminine identity which is developed in its full dimension in complementarity and reciprocity with men.

Women provide a unique contribution to stability in the family, the workforce, society and the common good.

Women's role in society must be developed in all aspects without discrimination, violence or exploitation, as part of the millennium challenges.

There is a unique value and dignity in motherhood.

In western countries, women are nowadays discriminated against because of their motherhood.

Motherhood is an advantage for women in the work place, and profitable for society as a whole.

Motherhood and women's dedication to the family does not suppress their personal or intellectual development, on the contrary, it consolidates their personality and the development of their feminine identity.

Non-market work and the exclusive or prior dedication to the family is a social and economic value.

The authentic emancipation of women entails the freedom to be and live as a woman.

Therefore we demand:

Universal recognition and respect of the feminine identity, its dignity and true equality between men and women in their complementarity and reciprocity.

International policies in defense of women's freedom to choose their dedication to the family, which implies true reconciliation between family and working life.

Universal recognition in international legislation of the value of the silent and apparently invisible women's work inside their families and the universal management of the term "exclusive dedication to the family" as a labor group.

An international framework of policies of protection for working women who want to have children or are dedicated exclusively or partially to the care and attention of their family and the eradication of any form of discrimination towards them.

Universal prohibition of surrogate motherhood. Surrogacy is a violation of the dignity of both the surrogate mother and the child. It is a new form of exploitation of women and human trafficking, making the child the object of a contract.

We, the Women of the World, declare that:

Men and women need to recover and affirm their identity and complementarity for their own benefit, that of their families, the labor market and society as a whole.

That there is a feminine identity that develops in its full dimension in complementarity and reciprocity with that of men.

That women make a unique contribution to the stability of the family, to the world of work, to society and to the common good.

That the differential role of women in society should be developed without discrimination, violence or exploitation.

That motherhood has a unique and irreplaceable value and dignity.

Today, women are discriminated against in the West because of their maternity.

That motherhood brings with it an undisputed advantage for women in the world of work and a benefit for society as a whole.

That motherhood and the dedication of women to their families do not diminish their personal or intellectual growth, but on the contrary, they consolidate their personality and the development of their feminine identity.

That the work at home and the exclusive or priority dedication to the family imply an indisputable social and economic value.

That the authentic feminine emancipation consists in the freedom to be really herself, in being a woman in terms of womanhood.

That is why we demand:

The universal recognition and respect for the feminine identity, her dignity and the true equality between men and women in their complementarity and reciprocity.

International policies to defend women's freedom of choice, which implies a genuine reconciliation of work and family life.

The recognition in international legislation of the value of the silent and apparently invisible work of women in their families and the treatment of the term "exclusive dedication to the family" as a work category.

The creation of a framework of international policies for the protection of working women who have or want to have children or who are dedicated partially or exclusively to their families and the denunciation of any type of discrimination against them.

The universal prohibition of "surrogate" maternity (surrogate motherhood) for constituting a violation of the dignity of both mother and child. This practice is a new form of exploitation of women and human trafficking that turns children into a commercial product.

We, women from all countries of the world, affirm only that:

Women and men, for their own good, the good of society as a whole and the survival of humanity, are made for a reciprocal relationship based on the recognition, respect, and valorization of their differences.

The female identity develops its potential in complementarity and reciprocity with that of men.

Women contribute in a unique way to the stability of the family, the company, society and the common good.

The role of women in society must be encouraged without discrimination, violence or exploitation and recognized as a challenge for our times.

Motherhood has an intrinsic value and dignity.

In the West, women are discriminated against because of their maternal dimension.

Motherhood is an asset for women in the world of work and an investment for society as a whole.

The maternity and the woman's commitment to her family, as well as her personal development, reinforce and develop her feminine identity.

Invisible and unmarketable work devoted to the family has a social and economic value.

The emancipation of the woman lies in fact in her true freedom to be and to live as a woman.

Consequently, we demand:

The universal recognition and respect for female identity, dignity, and true equality between men and women in complementarity and reciprocity.

Reconciling family and professional life through international measures ensuring women's freedom of choice.

The universal recognition by international legislation of the value of invisible and non-marketable work performed by women within their families. These women must be designated by the economic sector as "family managers".

A set of policy measures dedicated to the protection of salaried women who wish to have children as well as those who devote themselves exclusively or in part to the support of their families and to the prevention of discrimination against them.

The universal prohibition of procreation for others. GPA is a violation of the dignity of mother and child. It is a new form of exploitation of women and human trafficking that makes the child an object of contract.

We, the Women of the World, and members of the signatory associations and groups say that:

Women and men need to recover and assert their own identity and complementarity, for the benefit of themselves, their families, the labor market and society as a whole.

C\'\'\'\'\'\'\'\'\'\'\'\'\'\'\'\'\'\'\'\'\'\'\'\'\'s a feminine identity that develops in her thoughtfulness in her complementarity in her reciprocity with that of men.

Women make a unique contribution to the stability of the family, business and society and to the common good.

The role of women in society must be promoted under all aspects, without discrimination, violence or exploitation, as one of the challenges of the millennium.

Motherhood has a unique value and dignity.

In western countries women are today discriminated against on the basis of maternity.

Motherhood is a risk for women in the world of work and represents an investment for society as a whole.

Motherhood and women's dedication to the family do not compromise their personal or intellectual development; on the contrary, they strengthen their personalities and the development of their feminine identity.

The invisible and non-market work and the exclusive or priority care of the family are a social and economic value.

Authentic female emancipation implies the freedom to be a woman and to live as a woman.

Per questo chiediamo:

Recognition and universal respect for women's identity, their dignity and the true equality between men and women in their complementarity and reciprocity.

International policies in favor of women's freedom of choice regarding family care, which implies a true reconciliation of family and working life.

Universal recognition in international legislation of the value of women's work, silent and apparently invisible, within the family and universal use of the term "exclusive care of the family" as a category of work.

An international framework of protection policies for working women who wish to have children who are dedicated, exclusively or partially, to the care and attention of their families and the elimination of any form of discrimination in their lives.

Universal understanding of surrogate motherhood. Surrogate motherhood is a violation of the dignity of both mother and child. It is a new form of exploitation of the woman and trafficking of human beings, which makes the child the object of a contract.











真の女性解放とは女性一人一人が自分自身確実に自由になり、女 性という言葉通りの女性になることである。







الرجال والنساء بحاجة إلى إعادة اكتشاف اكتشاف وتأكيد الهويةو التكامل والاستفادة من الصالح الخاص بالأسرة و سوق العمل و المجتمع ككل.

هناك هوية أنثوية تتطور في بعدها الكامل بالتكامل والمعاملة بالمثل مع الرجل

تجلب النساء المساهمة المساهمة الفريدة للأسرة للأسرة والعمل والمجتمع والصالح العام

يجب تطوير الدور التفاضلي لللمرأة في المجتمع دون تمييز أو عنف أو أو استغلال

الأمومة لديها قيمة وكرامة فريدة من نوعها لا يمكن الاستغناء عنه

اليوم، يتم التمييز ضد النساء في الغرب و ذلك بسبب أمومتها أمومتها

تعتبر الأمومة ميزة لا جدال فيها للنساء للنساء في مكان العمل و هي فائدة للمجتمع

الأمومة وتفاني المرأة في الأسرة لا يمس نموها المهني والفكري، والفكري، ولكن على العكس من ذلك يمثل تعزيز شخصيتها وتنمية وتنمية هويتها هويتها الأنثوية الأنثوية

العمل في المنزل و التفاني الأولوي و الحصري للأسرة يمثلان قيمة اجتماعية اجتماعية واقتصادية غير قابلة للجدل

تحرر الأنوثة الحقيقية هو الحرية في أن تكون حقا نفسها، من من حيث كونها كونها امرأة

لذا نطالب:

الاعتراف العالمي و احترام الهوية الانثوية، كرامتها و المساواة الحقيقية الحقيقية بين الرجل والمرأة بالتكامل والمعاملة بالمثل بالمثل

السياسات الدولية لحماية حرية اختيار المرأة ، وهو ما يعني ضمن ضمن توفيق حقيقي حقيقي بين العمل والحياة العائلية العائلية العائلية

الاعتراف في في القانون الدولي بقيمة العمل الصامت و الغير مرئي للمرأة للمرأة في اسرتها ودراسة مصطلح الغير مرئي للمرأة الحصري للأسرة ودراسة مصطلح الغير

إنشاء إطار للسياسات الدولية الدولية لحماية النساء العاملات الذين الذين لديهن لديهن أطفال أو أو تردن أطفال ، أو الذين كرسن جزئيا جزئيا أو حصرياا حصرياا لعائلتهن والإبلاغ عن أي تمييز بينهن بينهن

حظر عالمي على الأمومة البديلة باعتبارها انتهاكا انتهاكا لكرامة كل من الأم والطفل. هذه الممارسة هي شكل جديد من أشكال استغلال النساء و الاتجار بالأشخاص الذي يحول الأطفال الى منتوج تجاري.

My, kobiety swiata oraz sygnatariusze innych organizacji oswiadczamy, co nastepuje:

Kobieta i mezczyzna musza na nowo odbudowac i umocnic swoja tozsamosc oraz komplementarnosc plci, co lezy w ich wlasnych interesie, oraz sluzy dobru rodziny, srodowisku pracy i spoleczenstwu jako takiemu

Istnieje cos takiego jak tozsamosc kobiety, która osiaga osiaga swoja pelnie w komplemantarnosci oraz wzajemnosci wobec mezczyzny

Kobieta dostarcza niezastapionego wkladu w stabilnosc rodziny, we wlasciwy sobie zakres zadan dla spoleczenstwa a takze wspólnego dobra

Rola kobiet w spoleczenstwie musi byc rozwijana we wszystkich aspektach, bez jakiejkolwiek dyskryminacji, przemocy badz wykorzystywania, co nawiazuje do celów milenijnych

Macierzynstwo kobiet odznacza sie niezastapiona wartoscia i godnoscia

W krajach Zachodu kobiety sa obecnie dyskryminowane z powodu swojego macierzynstwa

Macierzynstwo jest korzystne dla kobiety w jej miejscu pracy oraz przynosi korzysc korleczenstwu jako calosci

Macierzynstwo oraz poswiecenie sie rodzinie przez kobiete nie niszczy ich osobowego oraz intelektualnego rozwoju, ale wrecz przeciwnie scala osobowosc oraz wzrost na sluzbie kobiecej tozsamosci

Praca nieodplatna oraz calkowite poswiecenie sie zadaniom rodzinnym ma ogromne znaczenie spoleczne oraz ekonomiczne

Prawdziwe wyzwolenie (emancypacja) kobiety zawiera w sobie wolnosc bycia kobieta oraz zycia w kobiecy sposób

Z tego powodu zadamy:

Powszechnego uznania i szacunku dla tozsamosc kobiety oraz uznania rzeczywistej równosci miedzy mezczyzna a kobieta w ich komplementarnosci oraz wzajemnosci

Podjecia miedzynarodowych dzialan politycznych majacych na celu obrone wolnego wyboru kobiet, co zaklada mozliwosc pogodzenia pracy zarobkowej oraz zycia rodzinnego

Powszechnego uznania w prawodawstwie miedzynarodowym wartoscimilczacego oraz ewidentnie niewidocznego wkladu pracy kobiet na rzecz rodziny a co za tym idzie, uznania terminu "calkowicie oddana rodzinnym zadaniom" jako wykonywanej profesji w sensie prawnie obowiazujacym

Miedzynarodowych ram oraz strategii ochronnej dla kobiet pracujacych, umozliwiajacej im posiadanie dzieci badz oddanie czesci swego czasu na opieke nad potomstwem oraz trosce o rodzine przy jednoczesnym zapobiezeniu jakiejkolwiek formy ich dyskryminacji zawodowej

Powszechnego zakazu stosowania matek-surogatek. Bycie surogatka jest pogwalceniem godnosci zarówno matki-surogatki jak i dziecka. Jest to nowa forma wykorzystywania kobiet oraz handlu ludzmi, która zamienia dziecko w przedmiot umowy.

My, ženy sveta konštatujeme, že:

Ženy a muži potrebujú obnovit a presadzovat svoju identitu a komplementaritu vo vlastnom záujme, v záujme svojich rodín, trhu práce a spolocnosti ako celku.

Ženská identita sa rozvíja na plno až v doplnovaní sa a vo vzájomnosti (komplementarite a reciprocite) s mužmi.

Ženy sú jedinecným prínosom pre stabilitu rodiny, pracovnej sily, spolocnosti a všeobecného blaha.

Women in society must develop in all areas of life without discrimination, either by discrimination or by using the same methods as those used in the production of physical therapy.

Materstvo predstavuje jedinecnú hodnotu a dôstojnost.

Ženy v dnešnej dobe sú v západných krajinách diskriminované z dôvodu materstva.

Materstvo je výhodou pre ženy na pracovisku a ziskom pre celú spolocnost.

Materstvo a oddanie sa žien rodine nepotláca ich osobný ci duševný rozvoj, naopak, upevnuje osobnost a vzrast ich ženskej identity.

Neplatená práca a práca výlucne alebo prednostne v prospech rodiny je sociálnou a ekonomickou hodnotou.

Autentická emancipácia žien znamená slobodu byt a žit ako žena.

Preto požadujeme:

Všeobecné uznanie a rešpektovanie ženskej identity, jej dôstojnosti a skutocnej rovnosti medzi mužmi a ženami v ich doplnaní sa a vzájomnosti (komplementarite a reciprocite).

The international policy in the field of workers' freedom of movement has allowed the company to create and maintain a strong presence in the family, with a clear focus on the family and the working life of the family.

Všeobecné medzinárodné legislatívne uznanie hodnoty neviditelnej práce žien pre rodinu a oznacit ju ako "výlucná práca pre rodinu" a uznat ju ako plnohodnotné zamestnanie.

Vytvorit medzinárodný rámec politiky ochrany pracujúcich žien, ktoré chcú mat deti, alebo sa rozhodli venovat výlucne alebo ciastocne starostlivosti o svoju rodinu a odstránit všetkých formy diskriminácie voci nim.

Všeobecný zákaz náhradného náhradného materstva prerstva pricom dieta sa stáva predmetom zmluvy.

Noi, Femeile Lumii, membre ale entitatilor semnatare de mai jos, declaram ca:

Women and men need to be recognized and reaffirm their identity and complement their own interests, their families, their communities and society in general.

There is a feminine identity, which develops its full dimension in complementarity and reciprocity with the barbarian.

Women have a unique contribution to the stability of the family, to the strength of the family, to society and to the common good.

The role of women in society must be developed under all aspects of discrimination, violence or exploitation, which represents a provocative millenium-long trend.

Maternity is a key factor with a single value and a single dimension.

At present, in Western countries, women are discriminated on maternity criteria.

Maternity represents an advantage for women in the workplace and is profitable for society as a whole.

Maternity and devotion of women in the family do not repress this personal or intellectual development, on the contrary, they consolidate the personality and develop the identity of women.

The loaned money in the economy and the exclusive dedication or exclusive use for the family's social and economic value.

The emancipation of women implies the liberation of women from their families and the trafficking of women.

De aceea, cerem:

The agreement of universal recognition and respect for women's identity and their dignity, as well as for the equality between men and women, in complementarity and reciprocity.

International policies that support the free movement of women, in order to reconcile family and professional life.

Universal recognition of the international legislation on the value of the work done and the apparent uninvizability of women's family loans and the universal adoption of the term "exclusive family dedication" in the occupational classification.

Adopting an international framework of public policies for the protection of women in the workplace who will be their children or those who will be their parents or guardians, in order to eradicate any form of discrimination against them.

The international interaction of maternity practices for third parties transforming the partnership into an objective of a contractual transaction.

My, ženy sveta konstatujeme:

Ženy a muži potrebují obnovit a prosazovat svou identitu a komplementaritu v jejich vlastním zájmu, v zájmu své rodiny, trhu práce a spolecnosti jako celku.

Existuje ženská identita, která se vyvíjí do plného rozsahu v komplementarite a vzájemnosti s muži.

Ženy poskytují jedininecný prínos ke stabilite rodiny, pracovní síly, spolecnosti a spolecného blaha.

The role of women in society must be developed in all areas without discrimination, and not only in the field of the environment.

Materství je jedinecná hodnota a dustojnost.

Soucasnosti jsou ženy v západních zemích diskriminovány kvuli materství.

Materství je výhodou na trhu práce, ziskem pro spolecnost jako celek.

Materství a oddanost žen rodine nepotlacuje jejich osobnostní ciduševní rozvoj, naopak rozvíjí a upevnuje jejich osobnost a ženskou identitu.

The right to work and the right to work are not only a social and economic right, but also an essential prerequisite for the development of the family.

Autentická emancipace žen znamená svobodu být a žít jako žena.

Proto požadujeme:

Universální uznání a respektování ženské identity, ženské dustojnosti a skutecné rovnosti mezi muži a ženami v jejich komplementarite a vzájemnosti.

Mezinárodní politiky na obranu svobodné volby žen vybrat si míru péce o rodinu, což zahrnuje podmínky pro skutecné sladení rodinného a pracovního života.

The general legislative framework of the legislation does not provide for the right of women to work for their families and the right to work for their children as a family member.

Mezinárodní rámec politik ochranujících pracující ženy, které chtejí chtejí mít deti, nebo se venují výhradne nebo cástecne péci o své rodiny a odstranujících všechny formy diskriminace vuci nim.

Univerzální zákaz náhradního materství. Náhradní materství je porušení dustojnosti jak náhradní matky, tak dítete. Je to to nová forma vykoristování žen a obchodu s lidmi, kdy je z dítete cinen predmet smlouvy.
